October 06, 2006

Serendipity -- A movie, A word, A feeling.

Serendipity -- A movie, A word, A feeling.

I watched this movie on one of my friend’s laptop. It is simply superb …
I am irritated by the routine K series Hindi movies, which I usually find difficult to understand.

A critic, a judge and a jury member - no I am none among these, so I am not imposing any judgment about movies.
Its as simple as it sounds – liked a movie and thought of writing about it.

As per the Oxford dictionary ‘Serendipity’ literally means “Good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries”. Personally I don’t think that in romance one needs the good luck.

This is a nice romantic movie that revolves around the two characters; one believes in serendipity and other has to rely on the mercy of the magic word ‘serendipity’ to work.
The movie is knitted with series of fortunate accidents and is very well directed (as per my perception).

Being a mathematics student – Probability of getting back the note marked by you with out one’s conscious efforts is very low, but the probability of this event is never zero. Also the probability of two people picking the same number out of a set of hundred numbers is low -- but mind it - its never zero. On the other hand the probability of getting back a marked book after being sold to some unknown bookseller in the same town and putting the conscious effort to get the book increases but it can never be one. The whole movie revolves around such events

On contrary to the romantic movies it is more of a realistic movie, where belief is the key. One gets simply attracted to other person and has no choice but to live with it. Serendipity binds the two persons and their unconscious minds seek the other person they are attracted to. The two do all kind of stupid things to meet each other with out even knowing each other’s names and by destiny they meet.

The only message from the movie is - pursue your passion; no matter what it is. I will use the word –’jackass’ yeah - you need to be a ‘jackass’ to purse your passion. No matter how stupid it seems to others, you need to be passionate for none other than your self. Passion drives one crazy but some times it is the craziness that is badly needed. To reach on the other end of the river you have to put efforts, the means of transport is irrelevant.

To feel the touch of the movie watch it. For myself I have burnt a CD and will never mind sharing it.


Blogger Shaks said...

good job

12:06 AM  

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